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Matt and Lindsay
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I just wanted to say thanks to everyone who we get to interact with when we do portraits for people. It makes it so fun. From the parents who bring seniors and end up holding changes of clothes, to the friends that tag along for support, to the dogs/puppies that wanna hang with us and get their portrait taken also. On every shoot that we do it always feels like we've know each other for a long time, (most of the time we have anyway). It just feels like a great big extended family. So to all of you that let us do what makes us happy making you happy, THANKS!

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Sunday, July 13, 2008

Off-Camera Flash Self-Portraits

Last night I was playing around with some off camera flash and for some reason I ended up taking a bunch of self-portraits of myself with different hats on. The Red Sox (my American League team) has pretty much seen better days. I wore it every day for three years. Let's just say it has a certain odor and oily touch to it. It's been through a lot. The crochet lookin' one is currently my winter hat. It keeps me warm although it makes me look like a girl. The yellow one is my grandpa's hat. I have had it since my elementary days. I usually wear it when I mow the yard, which is about once a month. Coco dislikes me for doing this to her as she has to hop in the yard because she can't really walk through the jungle. The one with the ear flaps is... just cool. I wear it when it's so cold your snot freezes inside your nose. (that's my cold face) And the last one is the Cubbies (my National League team) hat. Nick, my brother, has really turned me on to them. Lenz and I attended a game at Wrigley last year and it was probably one of the best sports memories I will ever have.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:28 AM

    Niiiiice hats! You are so multi-talented...and those poses. Those are stunning. ;o)
